Strong relationships.

Thriving families

Beyond Baby Talk. Your pathway to parenthood

The essential programme for parents-to-be

This programme is for expectant and new parents to prioritise conversations that build a strong foundation for your future family. This is a significant transition for your relationship. It is one that brings so much joy while also testing a relationship in many new ways.

You need to start making decisions together in a way you might not be used to. You’re no longer able to freely commit to social and work events alone. You have a shared commitment and responsibility with a child. You’ll also be bringing your own expectations, assumptions and experiences into what being a parent might look like, and what being a family means.

This is your opportunity to start positively, supportive and connected. To have the confidence to open conversations that will help you when you’re tired and overwhelmed and align on the important things now before you need to start making decisions that will impact the family.

What you get:

  • Three 90-minute couples coaching sessions, delivered online

  • A copy of the Beyond Baby Talk workbook

Expectant couple

A couples coaching programme

Book a discovery call to find out more and tailor the programme to you.

It's been so valuable to have these conversations in advance of the baby’s arrival! Better to have these conversations whilst we're not totally exhausted and stressed

The village

Working parents, working together

This programme is designed for every parent who wants to feel empowered, supported and balanced during their return to work after having children. It’s for parents who want to be part of a deep community, build a more equitable parenting partnership, and find their blend of career and family.

Returning to work can bring up an array of mixed feelings, a new set of complicated logistics, and many questions about what your work identity is now. It’s also a great opportunity for reflection and resetting.

Its a huge transition for any working parent, and a period that needs to be appropriately supported. In The Village, we take a holistic approach for returning to work, by

  1. Extinguishing the work gremlins and relighting your career confidence 

  2. Building a deep community and support network 

  3. Resetting your equitable parenting partnership 

It’s spread out over five months to recognise the time it takes to transition smoothly, and the support you need over time. Whether you’re preparing to return to work, or recently returned to work, this programme is for you.

A group coaching programme

Five months

Six group coaching sessions

One 60-minute personal coaching session

A deep support network

“Rachel helped me transition back to work following maternity leave. at the time i was feeling anxious and unsure of whether the job i was going back to was for me anymore. the coaching helped me define my boundaries and have the confidence to explore other opportunities”

How do we do this?!

Succeeding as dual-career parents

Build clarity and alignment on how to navigate two careers now you are parents, and simultaneously strengthen the foundations of your relationship.

Before you became parents, you were able to say ‘yes’ to every career opportunity, event, trip abroad (or even just in the UK) with very little discussion. As soon as you become parents, every one of these requires negotiation with your partner, often calling in favours from secondary carers and in many cases a decision that one person needs to ‘opt out’ or step back in their career ambitions.

With more discussion about both of your career desires and an openness to different ways that you can support both your careers, I can help you find a balance that will result in personal and professional satisfaction.

Aimed at parents with young children, this virtual programme helps you to reconnect as a couple and confidently build a balanced parenting partnership that supports two working parents, all from the comfort of your own home.

Working from home with the laundry next to you

A couples coaching programme

Three 90-minute couples coaching sessions

Book a discovery call to find out more and tailor the programme to you.