an investment in you is an investment for your family

one-to-one coaching

Do you feel at a pivot point in your career?

Are you in the middle of a transition period?

Do you want to find a better balance between work and parenthood?

I partner with working parents to find the right balance for their career and family dynamics with the aim to ultimately support greater equity in career progression and parental partnerships.

I empower working parents to define and build their own career success.

I help working parents who are navigating parental or career transitions to build clarity on their career ambitions, work life boundaries and how to optimise their support network. 

I enable working parents to lean into critical conversations with their colleagues, managers and parental partner.

working with me will be

  • Personalised

    We will explore the challenges your experiencing across your career, family balance and relationships to create a meaningful goal for your coaching programme.

  • Meaningful

    An investment in coaching is a deep investment in yourself, and your relationship. It gives you the space for quality exploration and positive evolution.

  • Challenging

    To find the answers you’re looking for, or to help move forward, together we will uncover beliefs, values, assumptions and blockers that might not be serving you well any more.

The details

  • I offer a six month one-to-one coaching package, where we will partner on zoom every three to four weeks. 

  • I can work on a more intensive, shorter term basis if you have time sensitive decisions that need to be made. 

  • Book a discovery call to find out if the chemistry is right for you, and we can decide together the best partnership approach for you.