The Village

Working parents. Working together.

Discover The Village. Working parents, working together. A transformative solution for parents returning to work after parental leave.

Reclaim your career confidence. Build a powerful support network.

Set Up Your equitable Working parenting partnership.

Imagine stepping back into your professional life with renewed purpose, a circle of like-minded peers, and a harmonious work-life balance that works for your whole family.

With The Village, you can navigate your career comeback with confidence, allowing you to thrive both professionally and personally.

That's my mission in The Village. Working parents, working together.

Unlike most return to work programmes, The Village offers so much more than career coaching and readiness for work. Parenting takes a village and this programme gives you a deep support network of peers to lean on, and the tools to rebalance your parenting partnership after parental leave to build an equitable relationship that will reduce the mental load and support two careers.

Free introduction webinar 25 Sept 12.30pm |

click to sign up |

Free introduction webinar 25 Sept 12.30pm | click to sign up |

Is this The right fit?

Is this right you? Discover if The Village is your next best step.

You embarked on your parenting journey to create a loving family and fulfilling life. A life that not only nurtures your children but also honours your professional aspirations and personal growth.

You’ve had time off to be completely focused on your child and now it’s time to head back to work. Maybe you’ll be bounding through the door. Maybe you’re a little apprehensive. Maybe, you’ve done a complete 180 and don’t feel like the job you had before is what you want to do now.

On top of all that, you have so many feelings and practicalities to unpick about how you will balance your career, family, and time for yourself.

As a working parent, you wear many hats: caregiver, domestic coordinator, emergency contact, colleague, cook, holiday planner, clothes washer, comforter. Each competes for your attention and adds to the set of spinning plates. You’re expected to remember everything, be an attentive, present parent, and employee. It’s no wonder you’re feeling overwhelmed with your transition back to work.  

What your feeling is completely natural

Becoming a parent is such a monumental shift for our personal identities, lifestyle, careers and relationships. It’s an incredible time and also utterly overwhelming with emotion and change!

Imagine being surrounded by a group of parents going through exactly the same transition as you, who truly understand your journey, and will walk the path with you.

Imagine being given new tools, support, and confidence to help navigate how your relationship needs to transition now you’re parental leave is coming to an end, to reduce the mental load and find your balance.

Imagine having the space and time to get yourself mentally and physically ready for your return to work, and being supported through those first few months of change, uncertainty and finding your new routines.

With support, tools and your village around you, you can have a fulfilling work-life integration that allows you to thrive.


What it would be like to reconnect with your career, rebalance the mental load, and have a meaningful support network around you so you still feel balanced and present as a parent.

While this might sound too good to be true, that's exactly our mission with The Village. Let me explain.

We won’t just help you find your work-life balance, it will give you back your most precious commodity - time.

Time for you, time for pursuing career goals, quality time with your children, and your partner.

Why work with me?

Hello! I'm Rachel

Just like you, I’m a parent trying to manage two careers, a balanced household and feel part of a community. My children are now 8 and 5. It hasn’t been plain sailing, and trying to change firmly embedded gender norms that will help two careers thrive takes constant open conversation. 

With a career designing development programmes for hundreds of women, I know the impact dedicated time for reflection and personal growth can have. 

But to really support careers for working parents, I believe we need to be having conversations that bring together every aspect of our world as parents, and not trying to address career development and home life separately.

I understand the fine balance of navigating a career at different stages of early childhood, while trying to find an equitable balance at home that supports two careers. 

This intimate programme is so much more than giving you content to absorb and integrate. It’s a partnership and community that will walk side by side in support, empathy and shared goals.

Together, we'll devise the pathway that will best support your transition back to work with confidence and reach potential in your career and family life.

With The Village, you're not just investing in a service; you're investing in a companion who understands your journey and is committed to your success as a working parent.

The Village vs other programmes

In case you're wondering how The Village compares to other return to work programmes out there…

Other Programmes:

  • Provide general return-to-work advice but lack personalised support for you.

  • Overlook the holistic support required for work-life integration and building a balanced parenting partnership.

  • Include a limited number of sessions for just 1-3 months as your transitioning back.

  • Primarily focus on group sessions, neglecting the community development throughout the programme.

The Village:

  • Provides tailored support from an experienced coach who understands the unique challenges of working parents and will take the time getting to know you.

  • Offers practical tools and strategies across all areas of career and home life that will enable a smooth transition.  

  • Facilitates the creation of a meaningful and supportive community of cheerleaders and a supportive working parent peer group.

  • Accommodates all family situations, catering to your individual parenting and work goals.

  • Appreciates the importance of career strategy, community and equitable parenting partnership to achieve your personal goals.

  • Delivers an extended course duration to support the full duration of your transition.

By choosing The Village, you're not just enrolling in a programme; you're gaining comprehensive support, tailored guidance, and access to a community committed to your success as a working parent.

Free introduction webinar 25 Sept 12.30pm |

click to sign up |

Free introduction webinar 25 Sept 12.30pm | click to sign up |

How it works

Here’s how The Village works, broken down into three simple phases:

  • We’ll take stock of how your work identity has evolved and how you want that to align with your new parent identity.

    We’ll positively address the real and perceived blockers that are creating anxiety to build your sense of readiness for the transition.

    We’ll create a plan for integrating work and family, that will fit with your wants and needs.

  • This programme is intentionally creating space for deep personal connection and belonging, where you will feel heard and supported by those who are sharing your experience and worries.

    We will be together for 5 months to allow the time for relationships to nurture and you to build a very real sense of community and support network that you can lean into far beyond the programme.

    Define your community. We’ll complete the Build Your Village template to identify who is in your corner at work and at home to support you, cheer you on and lift you up.

  • Identify the dual-career framework that you are adopting and complete the workbook with your partner to define how you will share and support one another.

    Build up your toolkit of positive habits that will embed gratitude, appreciation and connection to strengthen your partnership.

    Define your family contract that underpin your values, decisions and priorities for the next three years. 

Welcome to The Village. Working parents working together

Build your village with me and gain access to coaching, training, and tools, along with 5 months of support.

Here's exactly what you'll get.

Meaningful group coaching: Ditch the overwhelming and often unhelpful online modules. Join six 90-minute live group sessions packed with content and conversation to learn, content, challenge yourself and overcome blockers you’re not even aware of. Each session will give you reflection templates to digest, implement and complete.

The Village Toolkit: Gain exclusive access to The Village Toolkit, your step-by-step guide to planning and executing a stress-free return to work. This toolkit includes all the cheat sheets, templates, checklists, and strategies to help you rebuild your confidence, update your skills, and balance your new work-life integration, transforming the way you approach your career comeback forever.

Access to The Village community: Become part of The Village community, a vibrant, supportive network of parents just like you. This intentional community is where you can share experiences, offer support, and celebrate successes with peers who truly understand your journey.

Personalised coaching: Enjoy a 60-minute individual or couples coaching session that will help you explore your own goals, or facilitate a conversation with your partner that will support your transition back to work.

Lifetime Access to Course Materials: Enjoy lifetime access to all the course materials, allowing you the flexibility to revisit lessons whenever you need a refresher and implement strategies at your own pace. This means you can continue to benefit from the program as your career grows and your family life evolves.

By joining The Village, you're not just signing up for another course. You're investing in a comprehensive support system designed to make your return to work a positive, balanced, and successful experience that aligns with your family and professional aspirations.

Limited time bonuses

Get £139 off the programme price, plus these bonuses, for a limited time only….  

If you sign up before October 4th, in addition to the full programme of support, you’ll also receive these two incredible bonuses. 

Bonus 1 - Two months personal support

Receive an additional two 30-minute check in calls after the programme, to extend the dedicated transition support you have. This might be used for a speed coaching session, mentoring, advice giving or help overcoming any challenges you might be encountering (worth £99)

Bonus 2 - Free coaching session

Receive an additional free 60 minute one-to-one or couples coaching session within the programme duration to use as you need (worth £185) 

Total Bonus Value: £423

These limited-time bonuses are designed to enhance your experience and provide additional value beyond the core program. Don't miss out on this opportunity to secure your spot and access these exclusive bonuses before they expire.

So what’s the investment?

Until October 4th, the early bird offer for the programme is £786. saving £423

This training and support, if bought separately, would cost over £3,500.

It's everything I wish I had when I returned to work after becoming a parent.

Today, only £786 with code VILLAGEBONUS

It’s worth considering if your company would fund the programme as part of your annual CPD and transition back to work if they don’t currently invest in anything like this for working parents. I can provide a letter for your manager to help this process.

21-Day Money Back Guarantee

I offer a 21-day money-back guarantee so you can make sure it’s the right programme for you and gives you the support you’ve been looking for.

Participate in the first two sessions and submit the reflection exercises you've completed for the first 3 weeks and I’ll refund you. To be clear, this is valid for 21 days. It's up to you to submit on time and if you don't request and submit your work within the 21-day period, no refund will be given.

If all this did for you was…

Helped to reset the balance of childcare and home-life responsibilities at the end of your parental leave, would this be worth it?

Gave you the affirmation, confidence and strategies for returning to work in a way that supports your professional and personal ambitions, would this be worth it?

Strengthened your peer network that actively champions you, and provided the tools and support needed for a smooth holistic return to work, rather than quick fixes that only address part of the change, would this be worth it?  

YES... Of Course It Would!

Still here? Oh good!

This is not for you if:

  • You’re not looking for an equitable balance in your parenting partnership that reduces the mental load and supports two careers and parenthood.

  • You’re not willing to dedicate the time and effort to reflect, learn, discuss and implement the strategies and tools shared. 

  • You’re not looking to be part of an active and supportive network of peers.  

This is for you if:

  • You’re a parent returning to work, or are in a career transition and want structured tools and guidance to achieve a smooth transition.

  • You’re committed to the ongoing work required to be positive role models of equity in your parenting partnership, and transforming our deeply embedded gendered norms.

  • You understand that achieving a fulfilling career while maintaining a rich family life requires dedication and perseverance.

Ready to sign up?

Depending on your location, there are two programmes running concurrently. I am delivering a live programme in Hitchin, Hertfordshire and one online. Choose the location that suits you best and remember to use the discount code VILLAGEBONUS for the early bird offer, valid until October 4th.

The Village, Hitchin

  • 24th Oct, 9.30-11.00, Signing rooms

  • 13th Nov, 9.30-11.00, Online

  • 5th Dec, 9.30-11.00, Signing rooms

  • 9th Jan, 9.30-11.00, Online

  • 30th Jan, 9.30-11.00, Signing rooms

  • 20th Feb, 9.30-11.00, Online

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The Village, Online

  • 26th Oct, 11.30-13.00

  • 13th Nov, 11.30-13.00

  • 6th Dec, 11.30-13.00

  • 10th Jan, 11.30-13.00

  • 31st Jan, 11.30-13.00

  • 21st Feb, 11.30-13.00

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  • No worries! While live participation is encouraged for real-time discussion and learning, all calls are recorded. 

  • In person events won’t be recorded but any materials and reflection exercises will be shared.

  • Results are very individual. Your return on investment will be deeply connected to the commitment you have for your return to work, the work environment you’re returning to, and openness to trying out the relationship tools with your partner. My commitment is that the detailed group coaching, training and personal support will help you navigate your individual journey, challenges and needs.

  • The Village focuses specifically on the unique challenges and opportunities faced by parents returning to work or advancing their careers while balancing family life. General career coaching may not address these specific needs.

  • The Village provides actionable steps, personalised support, and a supportive community specifically for working parents, ensuring real, lasting change in both your professional and personal life.

A final note from me to you

Imagine this:

You're on the brink of returning to work after parental leave, but doubts creep in.

“Do I want to go back to work? Should I be?"

"How do I balance work and family?"

"Can I still commit to my career like I did before?"

Sound familiar?

You're not alone. Trust me, I've been there. But those fears are just smoke and mirrors. They can be overcome so you can have a life where work fills you with excitement and pride, while still allowing you to be present for your family.

Let me tell you a secret: You absolutely can do this. With commitment, you can create a life where you thrive, where work complements your family life, and where balance is your reality.

Your dreams aren't fantasies; they're there for a reason. Because deep down, you know you can do this.

Create your life by design. A future where you maximize every moment of your precious time, both at work and with your loved ones.

I believe in you. And I've created The Village for parents just like you.

See you on the inside!

Rachel x

Offer expires 4th October


Offer expires 4th October 〰️

Don’t miss out on the bonus offers.

Join now and secure your spot and save £423

The village (Hitchin)
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The village (online)
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No problem. Send me a message and we can find a time to have a chat.